Looking for a place to belong?

You've Found It!

What To Expect 

Pastor Chris and Vicki discuss what you can expect at TFH

Our Children's Ministry

What Our Members Say

Here some of our members share on their experiences at TFH and what you can expect when you visit us!

How can we help?

Many of us today feel alone even in the most crowded of spaces. We carry the difficulties of life in a self-imposed state of solitary confinement without hope of help or escape. We want to restore your hope today and help you establish a genuine connection with people who care about you.
No matter where you're at in life or what you're going through, you have a place at TFH.
We want you to know we're here for you.
Here's what we have to offer.

Nursery & Children's Ministry

We have a spectacular children's ministry for children of all ages! With a priority on fun and learning about Jesus, your kids are bound to have a good time. All three of our children's ministry classes have age-appropriate snacks, crafts and activities to keep your children excited about Jesus!

Youth Ministry

The Father’s House Student Ministry provides a for relationship building and spiritual growth.  We work along side you to help your students become strong, healthy youth that are equipped and determined to walk with God. We have tons of fun events! From Nerf Wars to escape rooms, your students will not be bored.

Men's & Women's Ministry

We value men and women walking together in the kingdom of God and have two fantastic ministries to prove it. Come check out a Men of Brass (Men's Ministry) or Devoted (Women's Ministry) event to see for yourself! From Pig Roasts to Luaus, we have a place for you to grow in God and build relationships alongside likeminded individuals.

Service Times

SUNDAYS 10:00am

Want To Know More?


About Us

Get to know more about what makes us different.

The Father's House is a place where people can meet Jesus and engage in a life-giving, multicultural community.  Everyone is welcome!  We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for one of our services on Sundays at 10AM. We'd love to meet you!
Service will begin with praise and worship followed by a powerful and insightful message from Pastor Chris Holland. After service, all guests are invited to meet Pastor Holland and enjoy some refreshments.